Segue’s Discovery Process Infographic
This infographic will help you understand what Discovery is, how the process works, the Discovery project team, and the deliverables you can expect.
This infographic will help you understand what Discovery is, how the process works, the Discovery project team, and the deliverables you can expect.
Segue’s Discovery process can be conducted at a small cost toward the full project, while minimizing uncertainty that can impact schedule and total price.
Skipping Discovery could lead to an incomplete understanding of your project requirements, inaccurate cost proposals, project cost overruns, and more.
Segue has defined a Discovery process to help customers fully understand their requirements for complex and innovative custom applications.
Agile Development eschews the formal documentation but some projects, particularly Government contracts, still require formal requirements documentation.
For a more fluid development process, make your user stories independent, negotiable, valuable, estimable, size appropriate and testable.
Good acceptance criteria will help get your agile development project from “It Works as Coded” to “It Works as Intended.”
With this eBook, you’ll learn how you can adopt agile principles within your own organization or work with Agile development vendors.
Whether your project requires a User Story, Use Case, or both, depends on the project, the collaboration available, the level of formality, and the upfront research required.
Segue recently launched a Dealer Portal for The Hybrid Shop™, an automotive maintenance/repair company that specializes in Hybrid Vehicle batteries.
This Discovery eBook contains articles on the Segue Discovery process and how it can benefit you in planning/initiating your development project.
Segue’s discovery process can start a new project on the right foot, or can determine how to wrangle a problem plaguing a system already in use.
Segue Technologies uses Seapine’s TestTrack Pro and Surround SCM tools in order to manage requirements, issues, and files.
Segue redesigned a Responsive website for The Hybrid Shop, an automotive maintenance/repair company that specializes in Hybrid Vehicle batteries.
Individual organizations may define a unique and custom development methodology, but each software development project should include these key areas.
Requirements Analysts work to define the needs of customers so those needs can be translated into software. Learn more here.
A look at the relationship between people and applications in the context of their operating environments
Segue is teaming with Accenture to provide support services for the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) Program and Financial Control Directorate.