Segue Technologies to Sponsor and Attend AFCEA’s 2017 Alamo ACE

Segue Technologies Inc.® will be represented at the Armed Forces Communications & Electronics Association’s (AFCEA) 2017 Alamo ACE by David Hart (Senior Director of Business Development), The Alamo ACE will be held on November 13-16 at La Cantera Resort in San Antonio, TX. David looks forward to this opportunity to meet with Cyber and IT industry leaders, as well as potential partners. To arrange a meeting, contact us here.

Segue Technologies is also a title sponsor of the Alama ACE annual golf tournament benefit, which kicks off the conference. At the golf outing, Segue is hosting Army Purple Heart Staff Sergeant Shilo Harris and Fallen Hero Gold Star Family Terry and Elizabeth Burgess. The tournament directly supports the Alamo Chapter of Wounded Warriors and the Military Families Endowment Fund.

About Alamo ACE

AFCEA’s Alamo ACE brings together over 1,600 military and industry leaders in the cyber, ISR, medical IT, and education/training career fields for three days of keynote presentations, panel discussions, and ethical information-sharing, a trade show/exhibit hall, free and discounted IT training for military personnel, and fundraising activities benefiting wounded warriors. The program includes three full days of excellent opportunities to meet the leaders involved with Professional Engagement.