I work full time remote from Baker, FL
How Long Have You Been Working at Segue?
Since October 2021
What Was Your First Title at Segue?
Training Specialist, IT
What is Your Current Title?
Training Specialist, IT
What Do You Like About Segue?
I really like being able to work with a team that is so responsive and willing to help all members reach their full potential.
How does Segue contribute to your professional growth?
Segue contributes to my professional growth by constantly challenging me to learn new skills and helping me when needed.
In Your Opinion, Why Should Others Apply to Work at Segue?
I think others should apply to work at Segue because it’s one of the few companies that will give you career growth without micromanaging every part of how you get there.
What is Segue for You?
Segue for me is a company that allows me to be empowered at every level. While they always help me grow and learn, they also trust me to find what works for me to accomplish my assigned goals/tasks. Segue encourages a great work-life balance which, in turn, makes me more productive and willing to put more effort into everything I do.
What is Your Greatest Achievement at Segue?
I’ve only been at Segue for a short time, but my biggest accomplishment at Segue so far is completing most of a syllabus without asking the team a ton of questions. It shows me that I am definitely making progress and working to get to where I need to be.
What Is Your Opinion About Our Culture, Environment, and Work-Life Balance?
The culture in Segue is great. Although many of us are geographically separated, Segue continues to find ways to keep us informed and involved. The HR team has been excellent and has always been very responsive. In terms of work-life balance, as noted above, Segue has been great at fostering an environment conducive to a healthy work-life balance that drives me to be a better employee every day.