Segue Awarded New Contract for USAF Manpower Programming and Execution System (MPES)

Under the Air Force NETCENTS-2 Application Services Small Business Companion ID/IQ (indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity) contract, Segue Technologies® Inc. has been awarded a task order to support the Manpower Programming and Execution System (MPES).

Segue will provide all personnel and supervision necessary for complete support of development, test, and production environments for all the MPES systems. In addition, Segue will provide maintenance, sustainment, enhancement and support of the systems to include support/maintenance of the Data Mart for MPES, interface support for all interface obligations, training material and instructions in the use of the MPES, reporting tools, a Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP), MPES helpdesk support for the quick resolution of issues, cyber security, network engineering, IT support and implementation/development services.

What is MPES?

MPES provides USAF A1M with an interactive collaborative environment for allocating manpower resources and analyzing data against a USAF organization’s established structure. MPES allows users to establish, communicate, adjust, manage and budget manpower resources.

The MPES family of systems consists of the following:

  • MPES Unit Manpower Document (UMD)
  • Future Years Defense Planning (FYDP)
  • Manpower Grades Allocation Module (MGAM)
  • Business Objects (BO) Data Mart

Contact us about NETCENTS-2 Task Orders