Best Practices for Appreneurs

It’s a good time to be in the Mobile Application Development business. As the world shifts to a mobile mindset, both new app ideas and ways to transform old tools into mobile apps come up every day. Through our website, Segue regularly meets passionate people with app ideas that they believe can and will revolutionize a part of our lives upon release.



Appreneurs often come to us to develop their ideas, and even though it may seem really simple, it can be much more difficult to execute than a stock mobile app template can produce.Think about it. We’re talking about someone’s business- their big idea- so we need to go beyond the bare minimum functionality to help them create something polished, user-friendly, and competitive.

The following are some best practices for Appreneurs, to ensure that the money you will spend to develop a mobile app (or even more so the money of partners or investors) sets you up for long term success.

Tips for Mobile App Launch Success

  1. Plan your App fully before starting development: You know what your app is going to do, the core function, but what is the user going to see? What are the technical challenges to development? What sets your app apart and prevents someone else from copying it and competing with you? Even more, how does your app’s design and functionality align with your business plan (the services you are providing, customer capture and retention, operational costs)?
  2. Ensure quality in your app before launch. You don’t want your app launch to result in your customers identifying your bugs for you rating your app poorly, and walking away from your startup business without a second glance. Make sure your app is the best on the market, even if it is the only one of its kind. A robust quality control process will check your app on multiple devices to ensure it works as designed the minute it hits the app store.
  3. Set a roadmap for product enhancement. This will enable you to prioritize key functionality, and future “nice-to-haves” that will balance your development costs with your app launch and sustainment. As mentioned in the first tip above, plan ahead for everything you want to do, but through your roadmap you can reduce your upfront costs by just developing what you need to launch your minimum viable product (MVP). Enhancements can be done via focused development sprints (an Agile development approach is great for this), and can introduce more expensive features you wanted all along, or they can be ways to adapt your app to user feedback.

Of course you’re excited about your app idea and its potential to make a huge impact on everyone who downloads it, let alone on yourself. However, working with a seasoned software development company, and keeping the above tips in mind, can help to ensure that your app has the best chance of success in the market.

Additional Resources:

Do you have an idea for the next great mobile app? Our mobile app development team has the experience to bring your concept to life. Segue uses our Discovery process to work with our customers to take app ideas from concept to development-ready requirements and wireframes. Technical requirements will ensure that all functionality (even future add-ons) are executable and incorporated into the development effort. Wireframes and Hi-Fidelity design concepts will show you what your app will look like for your users. Discovery can also nail down the development cost, supported by documentation for your fundraising efforts. 

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